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Evans, I. M. & Mann, M.  (2001) Biological Recording in the Highlands and Islands: strategy and proposals. Scottish Natural Heritage Research, Survey and Monitoring Report Number 155  

Evans, P. G. H.  (1975) Gulls and Puffins on North Rona. Bird Study 22: 239-247

Evans, W.  (1905) Orthezia cataphracta Shaw in the "Forth" Area.. Annals Scottish Natural History  57

Evans, W.  (1906) Some Invertebrata: Inclucing Ixodes borealis, from St. Kilda. Annals of Scottish Natural History 15: 83-88

Evans, W.  (1911) Scottish dragonflies; some further records and table of distribution. Annals Scottish Natural History  20: 14-25

Evans, W.  (1912) Marionina sphagnetorum (Vejd.) from St Kilda. Scottish Naturalist 80: 118

Evans, W.  (1912) Hemiptera-Heteroptera from St Kilda. Scottish Naturalist  93

Evans, W.  (1912) Some Lepidoptera and other insects form St Kilda. Scottish Naturalist  262

Evans, W.  (1915) Humble-bees from the Outer Hebrides. The Scottish Naturalist  144, 264

Evans, W.  (1915) Lepidoptera (moths) and other insects at Scottish Lighthouses, Chiefly in the Forth area. III Butt of Lewis lighthouse, Outer Hebrides. The Scottish Naturalist  130-131

Evans, W.  (1916) Lepidoptera and other insects at Scottish lighthouses in 1915. Scottish Naturalist 1916: 129-133

Evans, W.  (1921) Some moss records from St Kilda. Transactions and Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 28: 67-68

Everett, M.J.  (1971) Breeding status of Red-necked Phalaropes in Britain and Ireland . British Birds 64: 293-302

Everingham, F. & Reid, E.  (1998) Scottish Blanket Bog Inventory: Mointeach Scadabhaigh, North Uist - site reporting and mapping. Scottish Natural Heritage Research, Survey and Monitoring Report Number 110  

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