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Rabbitts, Brian  (1989) Outer Hebrides (Western Isles) Bird Report 1998. Outer Hebrides Birds  

Rabbitts, Brian  (2011) Outer Hebrides Bird Report 2008-10. Outer Hebrides Birds  

Rae, S., Jones, M. G. W., Stewart, F. & Tingay, R.  (2009) Counts of spring passage Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria in north Lewis. Ringing & Migration 24: 253-258

Randall, R. E.  (1973) The Rabbit and the Feral Cat in the Monach Isles or Heisker National Nature Reserve. Glasgow Naturalist 19: 13-6

Randall, R. E.  (1974) Airborne salt deposition and its effects upon coastal plant distribution: The Monach Isles national nature reserve, Outer Hebrides. Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 42: 153-162

Randall, R. E.  (1976) Machair zonation of the Monach Isles, N.N.R., Outer Hebrides. Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 42: 441-462

Randall, R.E.  (1972) Vegetation in a maritime environment: The Monach Isles. University of Cambridge. Ph.D thesis  

Randall, R.E.  (1974) Aspects of Machair Ecology on the Monach Isles. In Sand Dune Machair. National Environmental, Research, Council  

Randall, R.E.  (1980) Effects of grazing on the machair of the Monach Isles. In: Ranwell, D.S. (ed.) Sand dune machair 3. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Norwich  7-11

Ranwell, D.S. (ed.)  (1980) Sand dune machair 3. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Norwich  

Ratcliffe, D. A.  (1960) Monach Isles. Nature Conservancy Council unpiblished report  

Ratcliffe, N., Houghton, D., Mayo, A., Smith, T. & Scott, M.  (2006) The breeding biology of terns on the Western Isles in relation to mink eradication. Atlantic Seabirds 8: 127-135

Redman, P., Pomeroy, P. P. & Twiss, S. D.  (2001) Grey seal maternal attendance patterns are affected by water availability on North Rona, Scotland. Canadian Journal of Zoology 79: 1073-1079

Redpath, N., Beaumont, D., Park, K. & Goulson, D.  (2008) Machair and the great yellow bumblebee, Bombus distinguendus - a comparison of machair restoration techniques. In Machair Conservation: Successes and Challenges. Glasgow Natural History Society  

Redpath, N., Osgathorpe, L. M., Park, K. & Goulson, D.  (2010) Crofting and bumblebee conservation: The impact of land management practices on bumblebee populations in northwest Scotland. Biological Conservation 143: 492-500

Reed, T. M. & Fuller, R. J.  (1983) Methods used to assess populations of breeding waders on machair in the Outer Hebrides. Wader Study Group Bulletin  14-16

Reeve, N. J. & Bristow, S.  (2002) Feasibility study on a small-scale translocation of hedgehogs from the Uists to mainland Scotland. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report Number F01LC03  

Rennie, F. W.  (1988) The status and distribution of the Great Skua in the Western Isles. Scottish Birds  80-82

Rich, T. C. G., Kay, G. M. & Sydes, C.  (1999) Distribution and ecology of pyramidal bugle (Ajuga pyramidalis L., Lamiaceae) in the British Isles. Botanical Journal of Scotland 51: 181-193

Richards, A. J. & Ferguson-Smyth, C. C.  (2012) Taraxacum pankhurstianum (Asteraceae), a new dandelion endemic to St Kilda, Outer Hebrides, Scotland. New Journal of Botany 2: 16-19

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